Direct Booking Advantages
  • Best rate guarantee
  • Free cancellation up to 4 days before arrival
  • Welcome gift: on arrival you will find a small gift in your room
  • Tasting of 4 wines at our tasting room

wine shop & tasting room

Cantinetta "San Jacopo"

Wine tasting at Castello Vicchiomaggio is available every day in the "Cantinetta San Jacopo". The tasting room, where you can discover the wines and olive oil produced at the Castle, is also the meeting point for tours of our winery.

We also have a vast range of products for sale at the "Cantinetta San Jacopo" wine shop...
Perfect gifts for family and friends back home.

Cantinetta San Jacopo is open from mid March until December, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

In winter you can taste our wines at the Castle.
March 2025

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